Kaity tells some interesting stories to herself when we're riding in the car and she thinks no one is listening. Here is an example from today. She was playing some sort of mommy/baby game in the backseat.
Kaity/baby: "Can I bring baby food to Mr. Ryan's house?"
Kaity/mommy: (in a mean, monster voice) NNNOOO!!
Repeat six times.
Then, she broke into a song about losers which is the new "bad" word in the three old class. I wonder what these things portray about me and my mothering skills.
On another note, Will's banty egg hatched in the incubator last night. He's so excited. Let me back up and tell the whole story.
Several weeks ago, Will came home saying Mrs. Varady (his kindergarten teacher) needed eggs for an egg thing (aka - incubator). He wanted to take one of his banty eggs. I told him I needed to check with her and we'd see.
Later that week, Will collected an egg from outside, washed it off (which you're not supposed to do if you're trying to hatch it), packed it in a box and told me he was taking it to school. I told him I'd email Mrs. Varady and he could take it tomorrow if she said okay.
I emailed her about the egg about 10:30 and she said that Will had already brought it in. (I guess John is more of a softy than I am and let him take it.) She did say not to let him bring any more eggs. She already had a parent bring a dozen.
So, anyways, he's been watching his banty egg next to the big eggs for three weeks. And, saying it's going to hatch and I've been saying don't get your hopes up. He came home yesterday and told me it had cracks and was getting ready. I was thinking no, it's just getting hard boiled. But, it hatched over night and we'll get to bring home a banty chick in a couple weeks.
I love the hands-on learning experience this is providing for the kindergartners. And, we get to add to our flock.