I've been talking about getting another kitten or cat for a couple of months now. CT passed away in July and we've been without an inside kitty for more than a year. I was kind of waiting for a little later in the fall, but Kathleen came home with a tiny runaway barn kitten yesterday. She called to ask if she could tell the kids about it, and of course, they wanted to bring it home without even seeing it. I worked from home today and John brought her over about 10:30. She's probably 3 or 4 weeks old and came from the barn. She ran away from the barn and is now at our house. She's extremely noisy and likes to cuddle. I think she (we think she) likes Will a lot. He named her Smokey. She's not going out the dog side of the house at the moment (Tebow has accidentally killed a few kittens in the past by wanting to play a little rough). I think we'll keep her for now.
You HAVE to keep her now! You've named her. I love that photo of her in the plate - you should submit that to that "Super Cute" blog (or whatever it's called...)
My life is full of family, farm, and friends. John & I have 2 kids(Will and Kaity), 3 dogs (Max, Tebow, & Bluebell), 2 ponies (Levi & Annie), 2 bunnies (April & Rosie), 2 hamsters (Popcorn & Ratatouille), 1 kitten (Oreo), 1 show heifer & 1 show steer, a 29-gallon fish tank with 8 fish, an empty chicken tractor and a currently defunct vegetable garden. We're the 7th generation to live on the 150 year old family farm. We raise beef cattle. John rides a 4-wheeler to work on the farm and I work off-farm at UF in extension communications.
She is so tiny and so cute! I want to come play with her!
She is sooo cute! adorable sitting on the dessert plate.
How adorable! So I guess you're keeping it? ;-)
You HAVE to keep her now! You've named her. I love that photo of her in the plate - you should submit that to that "Super Cute" blog (or whatever it's called...)
sometimes i sit in my food while i eat it too. i'm glad i'm not the only one... ;)
that kitten looks edible. don't feed her cow milk! try formula. the wonders of google: http://www.kitten-rescue.com/what_to_feed.html
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