My life is full of family, farm, and friends. John & I have 2 kids(Will and Kaity), 3 dogs (Max, Tebow, & Bluebell), 2 ponies (Levi & Annie), 2 bunnies (April & Rosie), 2 hamsters (Popcorn & Ratatouille), 1 kitten (Oreo), 1 show heifer & 1 show steer, a 29-gallon fish tank with 8 fish, an empty chicken tractor and a currently defunct vegetable garden. We're the 7th generation to live on the 150 year old family farm. We raise beef cattle. John rides a 4-wheeler to work on the farm and I work off-farm at UF in extension communications.
aaaawwwwww! i love his little ears!
Oh, he is pure edible. What a cutie!!!
It's stuff like this that reduces me to Valleygirl-speak:
OMG! He is so freakin' cute!
(But he is!)
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