Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Growing Up (with a little trickery)

We've been trying to wean Kaity off of her baby (sippy) cups. She's very, very attached to them. She also knows she can carry them around the house even though she's not supposed to.

So, I came up with a new plan. Will has been making monthly calendars at school and we cross off and count to a special day (Halloween, Thanksgiving). I showed Kaity the calendar and we talked about how Thanksgiving would be the last day for baby cups.

She really hasn't been getting it, so today on the way home we talked about how Santa won't know whether to get her baby or big girl toys because she still drinks from baby cups. She really wants big girl toys, so she told me that Santa would come on Thanksgiving to get her baby cups. We're going to put the cups near the fireplace and "Santa" will come get all the baby cups. I think he'll bring a cool big girl cup for her in their place.

Hopefully, this works this time. We're tired of washing all the pieces that go with sippy cups.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh, you're so sneaky! :)


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