Pumpkin Party
Friday morning started off with a pumpkin party in Kaity's class. Next Friday we have a Halloween party, so this was just a warm-up for the pre-k kids. They were so cute. I got roped into carving a couple pumpkins for them. Here was the party table. One of the grandma's made a pumpkin cake and cookies. I made pumpkin pie (most of them only ate the cool whip - go figure!) And, we had pumpkin candy to give them also.

They had a couple snacks and crafts that were really cute.

Sadly, no one took any pictures of my awesomely carved pumpkin (not really - John had to come help me finish it after he finished reading in Will's class). The kids had an absolute blast and it was super fun to help in Kaity's class. This Friday, I'm taking off for the Halloween party/parade at school. It should be a lot of fun and I'll probably migrate between their classes.
Coon Hollo Corn Maze
That afternoon was Wii time. And, then that evening we headed back to Coon Hollo Corn Maze. John and Will hadn't been yet and we took my friend, Georgia, also.
The corn maze is actually made out of sorghum. It did really well for the maze. We went through it twice - once when it was still light out and again with flashlights. Will met up with his friend, Little Danny, who was there with his family and they led us through the maze. It's a little disconcerting to be led through a dark maze by two 6-year-olds with flash lights.

Coon Hollo has lots of great photo op spots. This was one of the better ones of the kids.

Georgia took this one of us. The kids wouldn't stop making faces, so it's a funny picture and not a good family one.

Georgia, the kids, and I all rode the train. It was bouncy.

They had water buckets filled with a little bit of corn. This was a big hit with the kids - both during the field trip and at night. They played in it for a LONG time.

Kaity posing on the hay fort.

On the hay ride.

Christ Community Fall Festival
Sunday evening was the church fall festival and chili cook-off. We didn't take very many pictures, but it was super fun! John won second in the chili cook-off. First place went to our friend, Brenda. We also had a pie-eating contest and John drove the tractor for the hayride. Lots of smores, face painting, etc.
I'm really looking forward to next weekend. We've got parties at school, the Micanopy Harvest Festival, the UF-Georgia game, and Halloween!! And, it should be beautiful weather-wise.
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