Halloween was a blast. The kids had multiple parties and candy-acquiring events. They kicked it off Thursday night with a Trunk-or-Treat event with Nana and Papa. Friday morning was the party at school. No scary costumes so Will's "true" costume was replaced with the karate kid getup. Here he is with two of his best friends, Spiderman (Chance) and Peter Parker (Dalton).

Kaity was a princess bride. We recycled the flower girl dress after I got the chocolate stains out (6 hours of oxyclean soaking!). I mean, what else do you do with a flower girl dress once the wedding is over?
Here's the pre-k class. They were so adorable. I helped with them most of the day since 1st grade had plenty of help. Amazingly enough, 1st grade was very, very well-behaved all day. They were awesome.
Friday night, we headed to Alachua for Main Street Trick-or-Treating and some Conestoga's with Dalton's family. This time, Will got to wear his skeleton costume. I had bought face paint for when he wasn't wearing his hood, but nosiree, he wanted nothing to do with it. Kaity however is dressed as a ghost princess bride. And, guess who got to haul his ax around most of the night? (Hint: not me!) It was fun, but was super duper crowded in Alachua. We could hardly move around and I was worried about losing kids. But, it was fun getting to go out with another family.
Oh, and I went as a fairy. I wore this to school that morning also.
Saturday, we headed over to Dalton's house first to watch the first half of the UF/UGA game. It was a venison BBQ event and the food was awesome! At half time, we left and went to a birthday party for Leigh. She's the sister of Will's good friend, Coy. They live in a pretty small house and there were probably 25 kids and 15 adults in it. Luckily, the game was on, so John got to finish watching it. From there, the party loaded up and went to Chance's house (another of Will's friends) which was the base for trick-or-treating in Micanopy. We started with probably 15 kids and several adults. Kaity made it to about 3 houses before she was done and we headed back to Chance's house to help hand out candy. It was a good thing to - they went up by the cemetery, over to Seminary, down Seminary and back up Cholokka. It would have been quite the walk for her.
I went as a "bad" fairy and Kaity changed costumes to a kitty ballerina.
They're already talking about what they are going to be next year, so I guess I better get started on those costumes!
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