I'm sorry for the absenteeism from the blog lately. As usual, it's been crazy around here. Thanksgiving came and went, holiday shopping started, more than usual deadlines at work, and kid stuff in between. Here's a quick recap of our Thanksgiving.

John's been doing a lot of hunting this year. He's had "bad juju" (his words, not mine) for the most part, but he did get a duck right before Thanksgiving. We thought about eating it, but then decided we needed several more to make a meal. He was really pretty.
We had three Thanksgivings this year, so I'll chronicle each.
Thanksgiving #1: Melrose
We headed out to Melrose the Saturday before Thanksgiving for the Eckhardt-Smolek celebration. But, first we hit Alachua for the kids' soccer tournament. We've had issues with the coach all year with not playing all the players. And, unfortunately, this day was no different. She kept the most athletic players in for the entire first game and Will and Kaity both played very little. The second game, we lost one of our better players and Will was put in for the second half. She kept saying how good he was doing, but he's been doing that good all year. He just never got to play. Kaity didn't get to play at all in the second game. I realized later that she was treating my two kids as one unit and only putting one Eubanks in at a time. It was a very frustrating season and we'll definitely reconsider soccer in the future if she's coaching. Will had a great time with the sport, but I don't think it's Kaity's calling. The practices were mostly in the evening and she slept through a LOT of them. I would have liked to have seen more encouragement with the younger kids, but maybe next year with a different coach, things will be better.
So, from there, we ended up at Melrose. Will and John spent quite a bit of time fishing unsuccessfully. Will is a pretty good fisherman. Very patient and got quite a good cast.

Luke was building some sort of catapult thing and Kaity "helped" with that some.
I didn't get any pictures of dinner, but it was good and plenty of food was eaten by all.
Thanksgiving #2: Micanopy
MACS does a founder's day lunch every year the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. It's a big deal with a potluck and program. Will and Kaity had been talking about it for weeks. We made hams for both their classes and Will has declared it the best ham ever. The program was good, but long. Kaity and her class sang some Mayflower song. She's in the purple and pink striped shirt in the middle.
Will's class sang some stuff too, but mostly he just goofed off.
Thanksgiving #3: The Farm
I didn't take any pictures all day of the Thanksgiving at the farm. There were a lot of people there. I made deviled eggs with the last of my fresh eggs, corn pudding, and pumpkin pies. We did give away Dixie, the stray dog, to a nice family so she had a very good Thanksgiving.
The following weekend, mom came up to play with the pony with us. We had a great time doing that and, of course, I didn't take any pictures. Annie is super pretty in the cart. We're really enjoying having her.
Overall, a very nice Thanksgiving break. Now, I'm ready for Christmas break!
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