Last year, we got together with our friend, Cathy, to bake and decorate cookies. It was so much fun that we decided to do it again this year. Both of our schedules are crazy busy, so we picked a time that we knew we wouldn't be doing anything else - the SEC game. The guys were able to watch the game and we could see it from the kitchen thanks to Chad's big screen TV. The game was some what a disappointment, but the cookies were not!
Kaity is the next Martha Stewart in training. She's got excellent cookie dough rolling out skills.

The boys watching the game and eating chili.
Her decorating skills might need some more work. She really liked sprinkles.
Will got busy creating frosting marshmallow decorations.
Some of our finished cookies. The were really, really sweet with an abundance of frosting and sprinkles.
We've got our annual 4-H cookie bake-off this weekend. It promises to be fun and sweet!
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