Here are Will and Danny riding the float - the newest Micanopy 4-H members and possibly the only male members.

The tag-a-long member, Kaity, had a blast and mostly rode with Tiffany who will be a senior this year.

After the parade, we headed out to the 4-H leader's house for a potluck and swimming. Again, Will and Danny were the only boys. And, again, Kaity stuck with Tiffany. But, Tiffany did get her in the pool and swimming a little bit.
We headed home for a little bit in the middle of the afternoon and took naps and then headed out again about 6 pm. Will's best friend, Chance, lives in a grand old house in downtown Micanopy. We headed there with half the town and did more swimming, eating, and partying. About 8:30, we ALL headed out to the ball field to watch the fireworks. They were really good this year. And, really close. Gainesville cancelled theirs so I think we had a lot of people come out and enjoy our small town festivities. They had a free bounce house and hay ride for the kids, but of course, we got there too late for that. All total, I think we were keeping track of about 15-18 kids. It was chaos.

After the town fireworks, it was back to Chance's house for more fireworks of our own doing. One of Chance's uncles brought a whole trunk full of firecrackers/fireworks. We set them off in the middle of downtown Micanopy in the midst of all the antique shops. But, considering Chance's dad is mayor pro temp, it was probably okay. We finally ended up leaving about 11 pm and they weren't even halfway through all their fireworks yet. And, as far as I know, no one got hurt. Overall, it was a great Fourth. My new favorite non-wintery holiday.
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