I took Friday off to help the school with their first field day. It poured, POURED, that morning. Coach is giving them a pep talk in the pouring down rain about what a glorious day it was and how much fun they were going to have.

Will was not great at hurdles, but then, neither were any of the other kindergardeners.

His team lost at tug-of-war, but had fun pulling each other around in the mud. No serious injuries for the day, the sun finally came out, and the kids had a great time. Overall, a great success.

We headed out to Melrose somewhat early Saturday morning. After unloading, we headed back into town for lunch at Bluewater Bay. If you've never been there, it's highly recommended. Instead of my usual fried shrimp, I ventured out on a limb and had a shrimp skewer with a chili sauce. It was amazing. John got crawfish and we discovered that the kids, especially Will, LOVE crawfish. After lunch, we headed back for a quick swim before the rain started.

Kaity loves taking pictures with my camera although she uses up all the batteries. This is a picture of Daddy that she took. This is what it must look like all the time in Kaity's world.

My friend Kim came out to practice crocheting on Sunday (and brought this great gumbo) and more friends, Nate and Becky came out later that afternoon. Nate and John smoked a Boston butt. It's a good thing Nate was there. Nate's a PA and John was starting to have kidney pains. Nate diagnosed him with kidney stones and saved us a trip to the ER. John's still in pain, but at least there was no hospital trip involved.

Kaity loves the lake, but as you'll see, hates the ocean.

Memorial Day Monday, we headed to Jacksonville to join Erin and Luke at the beach. We haven't been to the beach yet this year, so I was really excited to go. We had a picnic lunch and then later headed back to their apartment for dinner and some Wii. Will almost has enough change saved for his Wii so he was excited to play with Luke on it. (Will and I have a deal. If he saves $150, I'll pay for the other half of the Wii. So far, he has $100 in change and everything he finds, makes, or sometimes "borrows" goes to his Wii fund.)

My patriotic red, white, and blue swim suit.

Kaity was Terrified (with a capital T) of the ocean and the waves. It took us about four hours to coax her in. This is what happened when Daddy took her in to wash the sand off of her. And, yes, we were laughing at her.

Erin has more beach pictures posted on her blog.

Finally, we got Kaity into the tidal pool area. She didn't stay very long, but stood on the beach out of the reach of the waves as the rest of us played in the water.

Most of the time, Erin and Kaity built sand castles.

Will loved the waves and the ocean. He spent most of his time convincing either Daddy or Luke to take him out into the water. He also got to see a dolphin jump out of the water and a big crab chasing Daddy. The beach was definitely the highlight of the weekend for him.

We headed back Monday night. John and I had both taken off Tuesday also which turned out to be a great idea. We cleaned up in the morning, got a little swimming in, and headed back to Micanopy just in time for John to go to the doctor for his kidney stones. Hopefully, we'll get back out to the lake house again in a month or so.
PS - I forgot! We also picked the first blueberries. Many, many more should be ready this next week.
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