Kaity turned four yesterday. Four! Can you believe it? Where does the time go? We typically celebrate with a famly dinner and then a kid party separately. I can't handle all the people at once, so I have to split it up. Going with the theme of my life lately, I was rather behind the ball on planning and inviting. But, it worked out great. Saturday night, we had the family over (Papa and Nana, Uncle Drue and Aunt Lisa, Uncle Scot, Aunt Erin and soon-to-be Uncle Luke). I forgot to call and invite Erin until 8:30 Saturday morning, so that was last minute planning for her also. I made spaghetti and meatballs which Kaity wouldn't eat any of because it was the last meal she had before the awful stomach bug back in December. But, she was really too excited to eat anyways.
Out of all the people that came Saturday night, we only got a picture of Luke. Maybe cause he's not officially in the family yet? Have to document before he becomes part of the craziness.

We had LOTS of cake this weekend. This is the funfetti cake and one of the most awful renditions of Happy Birthday we've ever done. And, the Eubanks family are masters at awful singing.

She, of course, had to be a princess all evening. We played Princess Kaity and she gave orders quite well. She also got some fun stuff to play with and leave all over the house.

1 comment:
I like Will's "peace" sign in the corner of the picture of Kaity and her cake.
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