Christmas was great. Everyone came to our house this year. It will probably be the last time we're together for Christmas morning for awhile. Erin, Alli, and Scot are all starting their own traditions.
We started the morning off by making the kids take pictures in front of the tree. Don't you love Will's striped pj's?

The last thing I bought for Will was something called bakugans. He had been asking for them and I didn't know what they are. Apparently, they are some type of japanese anime cartoon and toys. They're little balls that pop open when you throw them and they're magnetic. It's been the only thing he's played with for three weeks.

I framed one of the Robert Butler prints for John. The frame came with a chip in it and we still haven't gotten it back. He was really confused what it was until Kaity gave my secret away about three days before Christmas. "It's a turkey. A turkey picture!"

Kaity got a pink guitar. It's been a hit. Grandpa gave Will his ukele, so they've been playing together.

And, here's Kaity's camera. I'm not pleased with the quality of the pictures, but it is a kids camera. What can you expect?

1 comment:
This is the tough part about growing up - the splitting up of the holidays. When Josh and I were single, it was no problem, but now that he's married and I'm nearly, we've got other people to consider, too. I think it was tough for my parents - this was the first year no one came to their house.
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