Sunday, March 29, 2009

Will's First Fair

Will's first fair is this weekend and he's showing rabbits and chickens. He doesn't really do anything for the chickens, but for the rabbits he has to take them up to be judged.

Will and Kaity patiently waiting with April for her turn to be judged.

Me helping put April in the judging thing. They have these small cages that the rabbits can't turn around in and the judges take them out and look at them.

Will is waiting for his turn with April and Sawyer. No pictures of Sawyer - like usual, he wasn't being very nice.

Will making faces at April in the cage.

With his blue ribbon. At his age, they all get blue ribbons.

Rabbits back in their cages with their ribbons. Will is very, very excited about his blue ribbons.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Never know what you'll find

Will and I just walked over to my in laws and this is what we found in the driveway. He's not quite dead, but he sure does stink!

The End of Dining Out as a Family

Remember, our great restaurant experience from a couple weekends ago?  Well, this weekend was the complete opposite.  Actually, I would describe it as my eating out experience from hell or close to it.  

We went to Napolitano's for dinner with mom and dad and Erin and Luke.  Erin and Luke are checking the place out for a possible rehearsal dinner location.  Napolitano's has been there for years, but John and I had never been there.  It's a pretty nice restaurant and a little more upscale than our normal eating out adventures.  The food was great, the company was not.

We managed to go early, about 6 pm, and Kaity actually got a two hour nap in before we went.  So, I thought she'd be rather pleasant.  It was the brattiest I've seen her in a long time.  She made three trips outside for disciplinary measures because of rudeness or tantrums at the table.  The last tantrum was over her dessert that she had to split with Will (she didn't want to share) and it was downright embarrassing.  Needless to say, we won't be dining out with her for awhile.  She was so bad that she may not get invited (or be allowed to go) to the rehearsal dinner for Erin's wedding and she's the flower girl!  

So, instead we'll try to do a better job with eating at home and we just won't go out with her.  All of that to say here's the menu from this week.  Last week's menu started off with great intentions, but then Kaity got sick and I didn't make it to the grocery store.  Will is sick today, but I went grocery shopping yesterday and I think I stocked up on everything we need.  

  • Monday (no t-ball since Will's sick) - Shephard's Pie.  John makes awesome shephard's pie.  I'm going to make Apple Dumplings in the crockpot since I'm home with Will.  We might need vanilla ice cream.
  • Tuesday (St. Patrick's Day and I have a meeting at the extension office) - Corned Beef Hash and biscuits
  • Wednesday (Micanopy school board meeting) - Cheesy Mac & Beef
  • Thursday - Brown Sugar Glazed Pork
  • Friday (t-ball practice) - Beef & Tortellini Soup


Will started t-ball in Micanopy a couple weeks ago. So far, he loves it. He still wants to play soccer, but we talked about soccer in the fall and baseball in the spring. Their team is the Braves and their uniforms are so cute! (I was recently corrected that baseball uniforms are not cute, but sharp looking.) We headed to Citra for an opening game at their new complex. I have to say I had complex envy. They had brand new fields and a dedicated t-ball field. I love our complex. It's homey and shady, but these were pretty awesome fields.

Will had a great time at the game. His practices are Monday and Friday night which works out well for us since it's only one school night then.   About half of his kindergarten class and half the VPK class from his school are on the team, so he knows almost everyone really well.  He's not the most athletic on the team (look at his parents) and my dad says he runs like me which could cause some teasing, but he did pay attention (mostly) and got to bat three times.  

Before the game, the kids had a great time playing on a field with actual grass.  Our field does not have any grass.  Here's Will with his best friend, Chance.  

They actually played the National Anthem at the t-ball game (we don't do that) and lined up to greet the other team.  They had fancy speakers for the field.  The little girl, Taylor, is in Will's class and is one of the best athletes on the team.  

They have 18 kids on their team (16 showed up for the game) and they put all on the field at the same time since it's t-ball.  Will played somewhere between 1st, 2nd, right field, and behind the pitcher.  There's no outfield in t-ball.  It's pretty funny with all of them on the field.  They've stopped letting the ball go by them and now all fight over getting the ball.  But, at least they stop the ball!

Getting ready to bat.

They have to hit it at least 15 feet or it's a "do-over."  Again, it's t-ball.  

Best part of the game - snack time!  He's too busy with his pudding to look at us.  But, look he's got his name on his shirt!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Menu Plan Monday (or Tuesday)

I'm trying to do a better job of planning ahead especially with meals. Now that we've started t-ball, our weeks have gotten more crazy than usual. And, as everyone knows, menu planning helps you save money.

I came across this awesome site, I'm An Organizing Junkie, that helps people plan their menus. I did my menu planning on Sunday night, but of course, forgot to post it.

So, here's my menu plan for the week of March 8 to March 15

  • Sunday - cubed steak, mashed potatoes, green beans (John makes awesome cubed steak. We also had this for lunch on Monday.)
  • Monday (t-ball practice) - sausage gravy and biscuits (Will's absolute favorite meal - he ate 3 biscuits! Also, lunch on Tuesday.)
  • Tuesday - Cattlemen's dinner meeting, but need to bring a dessert. I haven't decided what yet.
  • Wednesday (church community group night) - BLT and french fries
  • Thursday - brown sugar glazed pork (new recipe that I haven't tried yet), need side items
  • Friday (t-ball practice) - beef and tortellini soup
  • Saturday (t-ball game @ 10 am and my parents here) breakfast - pancakes and sausage, dinner dessert - apple dumplings, I haven't decided on a dinner yet.
  • Sunday (usually church) - breakfast - breakfast bake, dinner - cheesy mac and beef

I'll let you know if we actually stick to our menu this week. So far, so good!

Friday, March 06, 2009

The Mom Song

This is my life - only sung much better than I ever could!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Monday, March 02, 2009

Freezing @ the ball field

Will and I are at the ball field tonight for practice. I'm still in my work clothes and I forgot to bring socks. My ankles are freezing! But will is having a good time.

Mexico Lindo

We've got a great new Mexican restaurant to eat at - Mexico Lindo. It's on our way home from church and has very economical (read: cheap) prices. The salsa is amazing. John and Will consumed two bottles of it. I've never seen Will eat salsa, but he really likes theirs. The decoration is also very bright and festive, but they do have a picture of a cock fight (we never could figure out why). John and I ate Mexican, Will had chicken fingers, and Kaity didn't eat. We brought her chicken fingers home for her. She can never eat in restaurants. It must be the excitement of doing something different. They were both pretty well behaved and it was a pretty enjoyable experience. Maybe we've finally reached a new stage - one where we can eat out pleasantly!

Saturday at the Park

We spent all of Saturday afternoon at the park for Will's kid birthday party. It was really hot for the last day of February, but today March 2 is chilly!

Micanopy's park is amazingly better than it used to be. It's got a great play structure, new basketball courts, and lots of sand. The only thing missing is shade and that will come as the trees grow.

Will had about a third of his kindergarten class and then some friends from church and so on come. He had invited everyone in the entire school, but I only sent invitations to his class. The kids seemed to have a great time. Opening presents was very, very chaotic, and, the ice cream was mostly melted, but overall fun seemed to be had by all!


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