This is going to be a busy week ahead for all of us. I leave for West Palm Beach on Wednesday to give a presentation Thursday morning to the Florida Turfgrass Assocation. I'll drive back Thursday, have dinner with the fam, go to bed for 3-4 hours and then get up at 1 am to drive to Jax and catch a flight to Portland, Oregon. I'll be in Portland until the following Wednesday at the Garden Writers Association conference. I'm really looking forward to going since I've never been to the Pacific Northwest. And, this is a really unusual conference. Usually you don't get to see much at conferences, but since this is garden writers, there is a garden tour every day. So, I should see some great scenery. The time difference is really going to get to me (GWA apparently goes way into the night with their events). Even though I'm so excited to go, I wish it was done and I was home already. I miss these guys while I'm gone and there's so much I'm wanting to do at home right now. But, everyone will get to see some of the photos that we take out there. I'm a fairly decent photographer, but compared to the others in my office that are going, I'm not very good. So, most of the pictures won't be taken by me, but it will be stuff I've seen with my very own eyes. One of the places I'm really excited about going to is the
Portland Classical Chinese Garden. It looks amazing.

While I'm gone, John will be on Mr. Mom duty and will have to get Will to school by 8 every morning in Micanopy, drop Kaity off in Gville, pick Kaity up in Gville, pick Will up in Micanopy by 5:30, read Will a book for his homework, feed them (and himself), bathe them and do it all over again! He's also planning to go to a friend's house for the UF-UT game with the kids on Saturday. It's a pool party so that should be fun. Kaity won't get in past her knees, but Will is brave enough to jump in and swim now (pictures of that coming soon).
Luckily, we're very fortunate to live near family. Since we're 300 yards from John's parents, Nana is going to help out a little. Larry is headed to the great state of TX, so he won't be around. Aunt Alli is also (hopefully) planning to stay a couple days and help. She works on campus, so it's very close to Kaity's school. And, the kids will love that Ruby will get to stay for a little bit. I should say that Will will love it - Kaity is NOT a dog person no matter what the size or cuteness of the dog is.
So, all in all, it's a really, really busy week for the Eubanks! Hopefully, when I get back we'll have some time for some projects - making aprons, cleaning out the flower beds, building fence, working with the goats, etc.
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