Halloween 2010 was a blast this year. Not sure when Halloween turned into a three day event, but that's exactly what it is. It started off Friday morning with the costume parade at school. Then, both kids had parties in their classes. I'm room mom for Will's classroom so I had a little more to do there. Here's Will's class in front of the big pumpkin.
And, Kaity's class.
And, Kaity with some of her girlfriends.
Saturday, we mostly stuck around the house (although the kids did both get new boots). Larry came over and carved pumpkins with us. Kaity had one the pumpkin from her classroom, Larry had bought two pumpkins, I had bought one big pumpkin and a couple small ones so we ended up with several jack-o-lanterns.
And, the finished products all lit up.
And, our fall display during the day. It's been so warm that they probably have a day or two left before the compost pile gets them.
Kaity dressed as a can can dancer this year. We ordered costumes online and this one was surprisingly well made and cute.
Will was Jenga Fett (the bounty hunter) from Star Wars.
This year, the Harvest Festival fell on Halloween weekend, so the kids and I worked the 4-H booth that morning. That afternoon, we headed to Evinston to trick-or-treat and party with the United Methodist Church. It was super fun. We knew a lot of the kids and families from school, 4-H, t-ball and soccer. Evinston is a really tiny community just south of Micanopy. They actually call all the local neighbors ahead of time to see if they want trick-or-treaters and then plan a route. We had hot dogs and smores first and then walked the route. Kaity ended up onliy being carried the last couple houses. And, the houses are pretty far apart. We also got started at 4 with the party and were finished by 7:15 so this was great for a school night. Definitely lots of fun.
All in all a good, but exhausting, weekend. I'm so glad halloween only comes once a year.