Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010 was a blast this year. Not sure when Halloween turned into a three day event, but that's exactly what it is. It started off Friday morning with the costume parade at school. Then, both kids had parties in their classes. I'm room mom for Will's classroom so I had a little more to do there. Here's Will's class in front of the big pumpkin.

And, Kaity's class.

And, Kaity with some of her girlfriends.

After school it was time for Cloverbuds (which happens the last Friday of every month.) And, of course, the kids were all sugared up from their parties. They were a good group and were pretty well-behaved for as much candy as they had eaten. That night, we headed to Hawthorne for a party for one of Kaity's friends. It was fun, but exhausting.

Saturday, we mostly stuck around the house (although the kids did both get new boots). Larry came over and carved pumpkins with us. Kaity had one the pumpkin from her classroom, Larry had bought two pumpkins, I had bought one big pumpkin and a couple small ones so we ended up with several jack-o-lanterns.

Will is actually flinging seeds here - not stabbing the pumpkin.

And, the finished products all lit up.

And, our fall display during the day. It's been so warm that they probably have a day or two left before the compost pile gets them.

Kaity dressed as a can can dancer this year. We ordered costumes online and this one was surprisingly well made and cute.

Demonstrating the can can dance.

Will was Jenga Fett (the bounty hunter) from Star Wars.

And, I was a candy corn witch (ordered from the pre-teen section so it's not too risque).

This year, the Harvest Festival fell on Halloween weekend, so the kids and I worked the 4-H booth that morning. That afternoon, we headed to Evinston to trick-or-treat and party with the United Methodist Church. It was super fun. We knew a lot of the kids and families from school, 4-H, t-ball and soccer. Evinston is a really tiny community just south of Micanopy. They actually call all the local neighbors ahead of time to see if they want trick-or-treaters and then plan a route. We had hot dogs and smores first and then walked the route. Kaity ended up onliy being carried the last couple houses. And, the houses are pretty far apart. We also got started at 4 with the party and were finished by 7:15 so this was great for a school night. Definitely lots of fun.

All in all a good, but exhausting, weekend. I'm so glad halloween only comes once a year.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fall Gardening

John's been busy gardening this fall and has go the kids helping him. Here Will is collecting rabbit poop for the compost pile. Thumper can't figure out what he's doing.

Both are collecting poop now.

Will shoveling some more.

Kaity talking to Thumper.

Dumping into the compost pile.

And stirring.

Kaity, my farm girl, planting some annuals around the baby dogwood.

My fall garden project - a pretty Earthbox container! And, that's my new begonia from Tallahassee Nursery on the left. Definitely worth another field trip to that place.

And, John's major project is his garden. So far, he's tilled up 30 feet by 120 feet, but only planted a quarter of that. He's really excited about the strawberries pictured below.

And, the seedlings in the garden.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Big Gators in a Little Pond

When Alli and Dad were here last weekend, we decided to head down to the pond and check out the fishing. We'd been told earlier in the week that the fishing was really good. So some of us were going to fish in the boat and some were going to plink with the BB gun. But, when we got to the pond, here's what we saw...

On first count, we saw 8.

They're lined up like stepping stones, but I don't think I would try it with these guys!

Dad, Alli, and Will all saying "I don't think I'm getting in that boat!"

They kept moving around and our count kept going up.

Look how big they are! We figured they were an average of 6-8 feet.

Final count: 13 big ole gators!

Pure Joy

This was taken at Coon Hollo Corn Maze when we were there last weekend. It's a look of pure joy and silliness.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Favorite Chore

One of my favorite chores as a kid was cleaning tack. It smells good and it's kind of soothing. I cleaned Annie's harness this morning and Kaity got in on the action. She helped for quite awhile and then said "this is fun!" I agree. And, it can be her new personal chore.

PS - Cleaning Annie's tack didn't take any time at all. When I was a kid, it always seemed to take all day. I guess that's the difference between two ponies and one and having a smaller pony.


Kaity always likes to take pictures of herself. Usually they are pretty funny with a kind of "up-the-nose" look to them. When Allli was here last weekend, they both got some self-portraits in.

This one is from earlier in the week, but a good self-portrait of Kaity.


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