We had a busy, but really good, weekend. We started off Friday night with the school spaghetti dinner and silent auction. John and Larry had made 35 lbs of meat balls earlier in the week for it. Both were very successful and we think the PTO made some really good money. Saturday was great - the kids and I started off by driving Annie 2 miles back on the farm to visit daddy where he was building fence. I took the camera, but didn't take any pictures (of course!) It was a lot of fun and Annie did pretty good. As soon as we got back and unhitched her, John came running over from the barn to get us. One of the cows was about to calve and he thought the kids would like to see it. Off we went. We waited around for awhile, but she wasn't making any progress. Finally, John and Kathleen had to pull the calf. While Will was off saying "disgusting", Kaity stayed and watched the whole thing. She was fascinated. Here she is with the seconds old baby calf. She's not standing very close because momma is just out of the picture and you never know what a new momma cow will do.

Another picture of the baby. Kaity got to name it since she was the brave one. It's a girl and she named it Bow - like hair bow which makes perfect, logical sense in a 5 year olds mind. kaity stuck around for awhile longer and Nana told her to come back in a couple hours to check on Baby Bow.

Amazingly, Kaity remembered what Nana said and as soon as daddy got home that afternoon off they went to check Baby Bow who was up and nursing. Sunday morning, the first thing Kaity said was that she needed to check Baby Bow so off her and daddy went. Baby Bow was fine and we left for church. Getting back from church we again went to check Baby Bow who was nowhere to be seen! Chip had let her and momma out since they were doing so well. To calm Kaity down, Nana took her on the 4-wheeler to find Baby Bow and momma, cow #8. They're both fine. Again, this morning (Monday), Kaity called Nana to tell her she had to go to school, but Nana needed to check Baby Bow. Cowgirl's making daddy proud.
Continuing on with our weekend, Saturday night we took Granny and Grandad out to a Chinese buffet for mother's day along with Larry, Kathleen and Scot. Got up Sunday morning and John and the kids actually got me a dress for mother's day which fit! I never get mother's day presents so this was exciting. I wore it to church that morning in our brand new church building! First service in the building and it was awesome. That evening, John and I went to see Iron Man 2 for our anniversary (which is Wednesday). I really enjoyed the movie and may take Will back to see it in the theater. All in all, it was a pretty good weekend.