This December, I actually accomplished several crafting projects. Last Christmas, I promised everyone an of Christmas 2009 I had followed through with exactly one.
This Christmas I wanted to make all the teachers something. I found a pattern for a bed buddy and went to work. They were so easy and fun to make that I made one for everyone in the family also. I ended up making 25 of these guys. Here's a picture of a few of them. I think it's all the different material I used. One side had cotton and the other was flannel. And, I made them so that the outside was a pillowcase that you could take off and wash. I think they were a hit. I've heard lots of good things about them from the teachers.

I made myself a new crocheted hat and scarf.
And, another new scarf which I actually used a pattern for. It's a twirly scarf and very long. Next time, I won't make it as long but I really like how this one turned out. I might make a matching hat.
So, now we're gonna get into the projects that I've been working on but haven't finished. I cut this apron for myself last year, but then never sewed it together. I finished it this year around Thanksgiving finally.
I've been working on this red blanket for a LONG time. It's crocheted with two skeins of yarn at the same time, so it's very thick and very heavy. I think it turned out very pretty and Kaity obviously likes it.
This one is made with camo colored yarn. I finally got inspired enough to finish it. I gave it to Crowe for Christmas. I think it will work well in his house.
This is my first attempt at granny squares. The yarn is varying shades of a maroonish pink and I've had it for several years not knowing what to do with it. I decided to try granny squares earlier this year. The pattern is pretty and I put it together by slip stitching it. I think I'll try a different method next time. It'll be a while before I do another one like this. I HATE weaving in ends. Oh, and Kaity has laid claim to this one.
While I didn't finish any of the promised aprons before Christmas, I did finish one the week after. Here's mom's. John says this is the best one I've made so far. I really like how it turned out and the colors I used. It's very 50ish.
This project wasn't an unfinished one, but one that really needed to happen. If anyone's been over lately, they've been kind enough to not comment on how nasty the covers of the bar seats were (except for mom, thanks mom). This was an easy project, but improves the room SO much. And, the fabric kinda matches the counter tops.
I have one more crafty project that I did, but I don't have pictures of yet. I made Alli crocheted snowflake earrings in red and silvery white. I forgot to take pictures before I sent them, but she's supposed to get me some eventually.
Maybe I can keep up the craftiness in 2010. I really enjoy it and love giving away homemade stuff.