When kids (especially girls) are little, the only thing they want for birthdays or Christmas is a pony. Well Grandma Eckhardt has officially done it! She got the kids (and me and herself) a pony named Annie. Annie is a super gentle and sweet girl that rides and drives (that part is for mom and me). She arrived yesterday while the kids were at school. When we drove in the driveway, Kaity started yelling "I see her! I see her!" Good thing I had the child lock on the door or she would have opened while going down the driveway. Then, she couldn't get the door open once we stopped and she started yelling "I'm so excited! Hurry up!" Finally, we got the door open and they headed over.
Terrible picture of everyone, but here they are Annie, Will, and Kaity.

Kaity really liked combing her mane.
One of the first lessons, brushing in the right direction.
Will and the red-eyed pony.
Another first lesson - leading: which side to stand on and how to hold the rope.
She's very dainty and feminine, but a little on the rotund side. And, she has the cutest hooves. Mom is coming up this weekend to help me hook her up to the cart.
Other Animal News
I thought we had a chicken massacre at 4:30 this morning. They started raising a ruckus and I ran out there in my underwear, rubber boots and flash light. I was so tired the night before that I hadn't put them up. When I got out there, only Sunny and Big Foot were anywhere to be seen. And, Sunny had obviously had some kind of assault. She had feathers sticking out everywhere. There wasn't anything I could do, so I went back inside. I was pretty sad cause the girls had just started laying and Colonel has such an impressive personality. I was afraid they had become an opossum snack. About 5:15 I heard the squawking again and headed back out there. Speedy almost gave me a heart attack when I tripped over her (she's okay), but Sunny couldn't get up onto the fence. I think she hurt her foot. I lifted her over the fence and again went back inside - this time to take a shower since I knew I wasn't going back to sleep. Went back out at 6:45 (once it got light) and there were ALL of my chickens. So, when the opossum tried to grab Sunny, everyone must've scattered. They are all fine except Sunny maybe experiencing some shock. She may have some wounds also, but I couldn't catch her this morning to see. Hopefully, she's still alive when I get home and not died of PTSD (which is possible with a chicken).