Living in Gainesville really makes you appreciate good friends. Since Gville is a college town, it's notorious that as soon as you make a good friend, they move away (or in some cases never, ever leave). We've soon lots and lots of good friends come and go over the years. But, this time it's different. Kaity has been in class with two other little girls at preschool since she was six months old. They do everything together and have their own little clique. I knew this day would come eventually, but was hoping they would at least make it until they started into elementary school. Kaity's school is very international because of it's proximity to the university. Hannasha is Belgian and Marina is Russian. These girls have been absolutely the best of friends for almost three and a half years. Considering the oldest of them turns four this month, that's pretty incredible. Marina is the first of the group to leave. They're moving to Georgia (the country, not the state as a I originally thought). Marina is very, very sweet and we'll miss her tremendously. Especially Kaity once she figures out what it means for Marina to move away. She doesn't really understand at this point. I took this picture at their Thanksgiving lunch recently. Hannasha is on the left, Marina in the middle and Kaity on the right. They're so cute.