The requisite picture of Kaity - she couldn't be left out.

He's really there! He made it! This is the mural in front of the school. You can tell they are the Micanopy Manatees.

Here he is putting his stuff away in his cubby. He was so excited that he didn't even tell me bye. I bet he has a lot of fun today.

Kaity looks so serious in her picture. Was she in trouble? I'm so excited that Will finally got a first day of school! No one should have their first day of kindergarten delayed like that.
I think John told Kaity to stand up straight, so that's exactly what she's doing.
Kaity does look like a little soldier. and Will looks so grown up in his jeans and "Sketchers." I'm sure he had a great time and i can't wait for him to tell me about it!
On another "first day of school" note - good luck with class this morning!
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