Monday, March 31, 2008

Will's First 4-H Project

Will is getting his first 4-H project tomorrow. One of the girls at the fair is selling her rabbits. I was able to get them both for $10. And, Lorall (the other 4-H leader) is letting me borrow her animal cages. The rabbits are Holland Lops - one doe and one buck. The buck is all black and the doe is brown and black. They're both very cute. I'm sure Will will get the boy and Kaity will claim the girl. But, since Will is the only one old enough for 4-H, he'll be the one showing them next year. Will says he also wants to show chickens. I'd really like to get chickens, but the chicken coop is a lot more work (and money!) to build. So, we may only end up with one or two. We'll see. I'm still thinking about goats, too. I found a couple at the fair that I really like. Again, we'll see. The kids loved the fair this year, so I'm sure this is the first of many fair projects to come!

The Black Helicopters

Will's soccer team is officially named the Black Helicopters. Sounds ferocious doesn't it? The team got black t-shirts and the dads stood around suggesting names - black dragons, black hawks. You get the idea. One little boy piped up "the black helicopters!" and all the other little boys went "yeah, yeah." There are two little girls on the team and they didn't really say much, but the boys are very impressed with the name they came up with. So, watch it YMCA, here come the Black Helicopters!

What's your name?

I've been working with Kaity to learn her full name - not just Kaity Eewwbanks as she normally says. So, we're practicing in the car, and I ask Will what's his first and middle name...
Me - "Will, what's your name?"
W - "William Blueberry"
Me - "you mean William Perry"
W - "no, mommy. William Blueberry"

This went on for a few more minutes, so I finally gave up and told him his name could be "William Blueberry."

In the meantime, Kaity's name is still Kaity Eewbanks. I think we have Grandpa to thank for that one.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Alli in a tree at Fairchild Botanical Gardens

For having climbed trees most of her childhood, she's amazingly NOT graceful.

Oh wait, she made it.


1 month old

2 months old

4 months old

And still a lot of growing left to go...

Micanopy Area Cooperative School here we come!

Will was accepted to MACS! We're so excited. It's a great community school that involves the town of Micanopy. Will was ready to go to his new school this morning. Only a couple more months and I'll be taking my boy to kindergarten.

Making Cookies

The party

Will's cake complete with Hot Wheels

Grandma and Grandpa got Will a new junior fishing pole. It was obviously a big hit. He's been fishing with his batman pole and is actually very good, but he's kinda outgrown the peewee pole. Hopefully, he'll let Kaity use it without causing a fuss since he has his cool new pole. We got him a tackle box to go with it.

Grandma and Grandpa also got him this rocket plane which of course has landed on top of the fridge, knocked over the plants, spilled drinks and so on. Thanks Grandpa.

Max and Tebow checking out the party from the porch.

The morning of his party

Running through the backyard "river"

Ice Cream Cake

Will got several cakes for his birthday. Here's the first. It's an ice cream cake that was a hit.

Look at him now

He's still blond (not quite as light) and blue eyed, but he sure is creative and smart. He was drawing fire coming out of the cars here so that they go faster.

Where did my babies go?

These were taken when we went to North Carolina in June 2005. Will would have been 2 1/2 and Kaity was about 4 months.

Will said his first sentence in NC. "I like cheese!" He sure was cute.

Kaity was the center of attention even then.

Kaity's new birthday bicycle

The "Garden" Party

Kaity with her friend Zoe. Zoe's mom was Kaity's toddler teacher and we're still really good friends. The sandbox was the birthday present from Nana and Papa.

The flower cake was a hit!

Aunt Alli got Kaity some dress up clothes. She's quite the diva.

Getting ready for Kaity's party

The little diva

Sitting with Great Granny

Valentine's Day

Here are two of my three valentine's.


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