I know I've been a terrible blogger lately. Here's a recap of February, or as we like to call it "the birthday party month."
Kaity turned 6 (wow!) two weeks ago. We made a big deal out of it for her because you know she likes being the center of attention. She got cupcakes at school, a special birthday supper of spaghetti and meatballs, and presents on her actual birthday.

I made this cake which was decorated just for her, but it was nasty. It was strawberry flavored and kind of gross. She liked it.
And, the big birthday present - a new bicycle! She had long ago outgrown hers and still doesn't know how to ride, so we got her a new one. I don't have a great picture of it yet. Will's going to get a new one also, but we'll let him pick out his own since he'll be more likely to ride it then.
Then, we had a sock hop party for her. I made her a poodle skirt and she had a couple friends over for dancing. It was the first sunny day we'd had in about three weeks so they spent a lot of the party outside. I LOVE this picture.
And, this one too.
For Will's birthday, we did a party at the bowling alley. It was so awesome and the best 8 year old party ever! They did all the setup, cleanup, and the kids got to bowl a lot.
He had a lot of friends come. He's pretty popular. It helps that he's such a sweet, nice guy. :-)
We had a family party at Nana and Papa's house last night for him. He wanted sausage gravy and biscuits for dinner.
He read each and every card this year. And, he loved the money he got in them. He counted and I think he's got almost $70. He says he's going to buy daddy a tommy gun. (He watched a documentary on tommy guns the other day. I think he's a little short of cash for that.)
And, the musical instruments they got. This is the "Funky Carrot" band.
Happy 6th Birthday to Kaity and Happy 8th Birthday to Will!