Friday, May 09, 2008

Bump in the Night

Kaity fell out of bed last night and hit her head on the dresser. She does this every couple weeks, but normally she doesn't hit her head. She was really upset and I brought her back to bed with us. Within just a few minutes, John had headed to the couch. None of us slept well, but then this is normal.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Little Heathen

This morning, Kaity got out of bed and had marker all over her - her face, arms, legs, and hands. I checked her bed and she'd drawn a tic-tac-toe thing on her sheets also. Somehow, she'd managed to get out of bed and get the markers out of the cabinet. She then spent quite awhile coloring herself, her bed, and one of Will's favorite preschool workbooks. Usually, I know when she's out of bed, but I think she snuck around the other side of the table so I wouldn't see her. So, before school this morning, she had to have a bath. Her sheets still contain her artwork and we've hidden the workbook. I don't know what I'm going to do with that girl.

P.S. Kaity ran away from the babysitter last Thursday night just like she ran away from Papa. Only this time we weren't home.

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