Monday, October 15, 2007

You know you live on a farm when...

your 2-year-old girl prefers to pee in the grass rather than the potty.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Beach Babies

Over Labor Day, we visited Scot for his birthday. He's living on Jax Beach now. The kids had a blast. Although Kaity was terrified of the water. Will loved everything about the beach.

Flavorful Puppies

We're getting Will a puppy for Christmas, so I printed off a bunch of puppy pictures for him to look at (mainly lab and aussie). We're trying to figure out what he prefers and what color he likes. We've got the pictures posted on the fridge and every day he tells me which is his favorite - so far it's been chocolate lab. Yesterday, when he got home he told me he likes the chocolate and banana puppies - the brown and yellow labs. So, John said if we get a yellow female, we should name it Chiquita. Will likes Uno for a name. But, he also comes up with some pretty crazy other names too. As a side note, all the puppies are Kaity's favorite.

Too old for bedtime kisses?

Well, Will is finally too old for bedtime kisses - from Daddy at least. He still is okay with mine. John didn't seem that upset about it, but I can't believe he's old enough for this already. Where does the time go?

Thursday, October 04, 2007

2008 Calendar

I'm starting to think about the calendar for next year. But, since I lost most of my pictures when my computer got hit by lightning, I need y'all to send pictures to me. Thanks!!

Mommy & Kaity

Alli took Mommy & Kaity pictures for us last week. We had matching outfits and it was a lot of fun. This is one of my favorite shots she got. It's got the Baughman Center in the background and is kinda at a cool angle. Alli's helping clean up the pictures, so I'll have more to share.

Will's First Sleepover

Will is having his first sleepover Friday night. Jack from church is spending the night and then Will is going to Jack's basketball game on Saturday. Neither of the boys know yet, just in case it doesn't happen. I just can't believe that Will is old enough to have sleepovers. Time sure does fly. Kaity will be a problem though. She's going to want to play with them and they're not going to want to play with her. She has a crush on Jack and he's in an anti-girl phase, so that could be fun.

I'm also teaching Jack's sisters to crochet Friday night. I'm really excited about that. It should be a lot of fun.

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