So, we got back from a whirwind trip to Texas, I started my new job, and we're making exciting progress on our house!
The trip was great - travelling through the airports with two kids, two carseats, two parents, two grandparents, 1 great-granparent (in a wheelchair) and all of our carry on luggage was an experience I don't care to repeat anytime soon. The kids were great on the plane, Texas was Texas (lots of plains), the canyons were beautiful, and visting with family is always nice. I'll post some pictures soon.
I've started my new job and, so far, I love it! It's exactly what I spent six years in school to learn how to do. I'm having to get out my college textbooks some, but that's okay. It's also very convenient to the daycare and for parking. It's only my third day, so I'll keep you posted.
House Stuff - the exciting part! We met with the appraisal and know how much the lot is worth, met with the architect and he's working on second round of blue prints, met with the builder, and the surveyor is coming tomorrow. We're really moving along! It's very exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. We might even break ground by September (it seems like a long way off, but it's really not when you figure in all the stuff we have left to d0.)
I've got some great pictures. I'll try to get them posted later this week.