Well, it's been a crazy week for us! We spent last weekend in Riverview visiting Grandpa and Grandma and Great-Granny and Great-Grandpa.
This week's been none stop for us. Will was sick on Monday and John drew the short straw and got to stay home with him. We had Vacation Bible School after school every night this week, so we'd leave for school at 7:30, pick them up at 4:30, go straight to VBS and get home around 9. Well, this probably wore Will out a little too much. He's sick again today, but he's spending the day with Papa watching the backhoes dig holes. Couldn't ask for a better sick day for a 3-year-old boy!
This weekend Uncle Ken is here from Oregon, so we'll be camping out at Melrose (if it's not too hot). It'll be nice to see everyone and catch up.
We've been doing "Will's Wall of Success" at home. It has 10 items and for every item he does, he gets a star sticker. There are different levels of rewards. When he gets 50 stars (he's at 46), he gets to go see the new Disney Cars movie with Mom. I'm looking forward to it - he should be there by Sunday.
Hopefully, next week will get back to the regular routine for us.