Sunday, October 17, 2010

Big Gators in a Little Pond

When Alli and Dad were here last weekend, we decided to head down to the pond and check out the fishing. We'd been told earlier in the week that the fishing was really good. So some of us were going to fish in the boat and some were going to plink with the BB gun. But, when we got to the pond, here's what we saw...

On first count, we saw 8.

They're lined up like stepping stones, but I don't think I would try it with these guys!

Dad, Alli, and Will all saying "I don't think I'm getting in that boat!"

They kept moving around and our count kept going up.

Look how big they are! We figured they were an average of 6-8 feet.

Final count: 13 big ole gators!

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