Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The End of an Era

Today is the last day for Will and Kaity at La Petite. They've been there four years this month. We've had lots of good times, some bad times, and lots of caring people there. It's kind of sad. They've made lots of good friends over the years and the teachers know them really well. But, also really exciting. We're ready to start a new phase of life - one that includes one school drop off and a more challenging atmosphere. But, we're really going to miss Ms. Jackie, Ms. Carolyn, Ms. Jann, Mr. Matt, and all the other teachers.

How they looked when they started in August 2005 (taken some time in the fall.) Will is 2.5 in this picture and Kaity is about 6 months.

How they look now.


sarah said...

I like how cynical the older Will looks.

Emily said...

It was a terrible picture of him. Lately all his pictures look like this.


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